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Reviewerverse Free Press Talks With April Von Lon

Sorry about the missed post last week, readers! I was sick and unable to upload an interview!  Today, I bring you an interview with April Von Lon!

Mehe:  Hello, and welcome to Reviewerverse Free Press, where today we’re talking with the wonderful April Von Lon! Welcome, April!

April Von Lon:  Thanks! Glad to be here.

Mehe:  Could you tell us a little bit about your show, April?

AVL:  That’s a difficult question. Basically I do whatever the heck I feel like doing, and sometimes it turns out funny. One day I might do a review of some old cartoon I loved as a kid, the next I put on a wig and give people bad sex tips. I like having a variety.

Mehe:  So you don’t have a set focus?

AVL:  At first I tried to, but my nature is a little too flighty to stick to just one format. I get so many ideas and I want to give them all a try! Plus, I feel like sketch comedy is my strength as opposed to serious, well-thought-out reviews. I’m just doing this for fun.

Mehe:  Well, then, where did your inspiration start from?

AVL:  Definitely from the Nostalgia Critic. He was the first reviewer I ever watched, and he made it seem easy, accessible. Just a guy in a room with a camera, right? I had just bought a laptop with a built-in webcam, and so the thought sort of drifted into my head, “Why can’t I try that, too…?”

Mehe:  So you just jumped right in?

AVL:  Kiiiinda. My first webcam attempts were… not good, to put it mildly. I asked friends to give me a topic and then I just rambled about whatever came to me for like two minutes, then I put it on YouTube on “private”. I think my worst one, I rambled about how much I hate bees. I quote: “They bite you with their butts!”  I deleted those first offerings, but the shame will live forever in my soul.

Mehe:  Are you exclusively on YouTube or can you be found elsewhere?

AVL:  So far the videos are all hosted on YouTube, although I’m also affiliated with a site called where I contribute. It’s a cool site and it’s neat to be part of a larger group of producers and fellow nerds.

Mehe:  How long have you been doing reviews?

AVL:  I think it’s been almost two years now. Although I work very slowly so I don’t have a lot to show for that much time.

Mehe:  Can you take us through your planning process?

AVL:  It’s pretty simple. If I’m doing a review, I rewatch the thing I plan to talk about and write down notes– things I want to mention, places where I want to add jokes or snarky comments. Then I start on the script. If I’m just doing a sketch, it usually starts with me getting some stupid idea that makes me snicker to myself, and then I just write the script from there.

Mehe:  About how long does it take, beginning to end?

AVL:  Depends on how busy I am, and how lazy I’m being. If I’m working my butt off, I can write a script and film in a day. If it’s a really short sketch it only takes a few hours to edit; if it’s a 20-minute review it can take more time since I have to find more pictures and clips to edit in too.

Mehe:  Any advice for people looking to start their own shows?

AVL:  Just do it. Seriously. But put some thought into it, you know? Don’t buy the cheapest, shittiest camera you find or anything. But don’t buy some top-of-the-line model either, until you’re sure you’re going to keep doing it. No point having a $2000 camera if you never use it.

Mehe:  Of your own reviews, which one do you recommend for people to start with to get to know you and your style?

AVL:  I’m kinda embarrassed by most of it, honestly. My style still hasn’t really come together yet, and my technical skills are still improving. I have no background in film or acting or editing– I’m absolutely learning it all as I go.  That said, my Silverhawks review seems to be the one that gets the most hits and the most controversy. I had no idea people were so protective of the show when I did it, and people have misinterpreted my joshing of it like I hate it or something. I don’t hate the show, I just acknowledge that to anyone over the age of seven, it’s deeply, deeply silly.

Mehe:  Pardon my ignorance of other peoples’ fanbases here, but I didn’t realize Silverhawks had a fandom…

AVL:  Neither did I! I watched that show when I was four, and I loved it then. I had all the playsets, the Tallyhawk action figure, all of that– but it hasn’t really emerged as a retro symbol the way Thundercats or He-Man has. I’d thought it was a bit on the forgotten side.

Mehe:  Do you have any upcoming projects or anything you’re looking forward to covering?

AVL:  More Sexvice episodes, definitely. They’re so fun to do, although it’s a little weird doing a silly voice. I definitely don’t sound like that normally!

Mehe:  Do you find that it’s a little more difficult for a female reviewer to be taken seriously by the community than a male one?

AVL:  Gods, yes. The sexism is rampant. I get some pretty nasty comments about my body, and a lot of shit like “You’re only popular because of your tits!” or “because of your boyfriend”, as if I didn’t have any viewers until I met him. The worst thing is, there’s no way to win this game. If I wore sober-colored turtlenecks in every video I’d get comments on how uptight and frumpy I was.

Mehe:  If you could say anything to your detractors, what would you say?

AVL:  I’d say, Let’s see you do it better. See, the people who give me the most shit are always people who AREN’T putting themselves out on the interwebs the way I am. They don’t make anything. They don’t do anything creative or constructive. They take none of the risks I take. They just put people down. Destruction is easier than creation, and I’d tell them to stop taking the easy path. Do something good with all the free time you obviously have on your hands. Make something interesting or fun. Stand up and be DIFFERENT.

Mehe:  What’s been some of your best experiences as a reviewer?

AVL:  Definitely meeting other people, especially the “internet celebs” if you will. There are some fun, creative, and hilarious people I’m glad to have met, some briefly and some a little more… regularly.

Mehe:  Well, April, we’re certainly glad you stopped by today to chat with us and let us a have a small window into your world.  Before we let you go, any parting words for the readers?

AVL:  My life has been very interesting lately, and no matter what the future holds, I’m glad I decided to give this a try. The only way I could have truly “failed” at this was to not try at all. And then I’d have missed out on a lot of special things, wouldn’t I?

Mehe:  Thank you for allowing us to interview you, April.  We hope to talk to you again soon!



Reviewerverse Free Press Talks With Screaming Mantis!

Not too long ago, I was able to catch up with Screaming Mantis and get her to open up to us about her part in the Reviewerverse.  Enjoy!

Mehe: Reviewerverse Free Press is glad to welcome Screaming Mantis into our lair tonight! Welcome, Mantis!

S.M.: Hi! Thanks!

Mehe: So, Mantis, can you tell us a little about your show and where you’re found?

S.M.: My show is…well, it’s kinda this weird hybrid thing that evolved on its own.  I have a lot of liquor stores and gas stations around my home, and they always have the weirdest alcohol on sale.  I got the idea basically from watching Wreckless Eating on Youtube and Brad Tries on Brad Jones’ ( website.  Now, it’s kind of become a bit on the vloggy side, but I’ve been trying to kinda cut that down.  My user for Blip is “ScreamingMantis” so I think if it’s searched, I’ll pop up.

Mehe:  Are you affiliated with any of the reviewer websites?

S.M.:  That’s a yes and a no.  I always considered myself as rogue.  (I like that better than being called “indie”.)  I’ve floated around websites here and there doing different things other than Toxicology Test.  I’ve done some voice overs and just some random podcasts and stuff.  But, I’ve never joined any review site officially.  I never really wanted to, it always seemed like a lot of pressure. That could change though, maybe in the future, I’m not sure.

Mehe:  Since you review alcohol, which would you consider the best and the worst ones you’ve tried?

S.M.:  The best I tried is always videos I don’t air for some reason.  I have like three Tox Test videos I just never aired.  Mostly for editing reasons.  The best I can say was a Smirnoff-like drink that I found out of the blue.  The worst, BY FAR, was the Southern Comfort Tabasco.  I really don’t know what I was thinking with that.  Also, I hated the fuck (I hope you don’t mind me cussing a bit) out of that Alcoholic Whipped Creme.  I think that’s episode 5 or 6, and my God…That’s the only time that I honestly almost threw up on camera.  I plan on cutting down the episode with the Smirnoff-like drink and airing it.  It was stronger than I thought and I ended up chit-chatting my audience for WAY longer than is normal.  I have the worst habit ever of doing that.  I don’t know, I have a hard time just not “chatting up” my audience.  It’s the truth. I stare at the camera and I just feel like I’m having a normal conversation over a drink with everybody.  That’s a really awesome feeling, but I totally understand that Food/Drink review shows really shouldn’t be 38 minutes long.

Mehe:  I’m sure your fans appreciate the camaraderie.  Anything you’d like to tell them before we continue?

S.M.:  Just that they are the best fans that anyone could ever hope to have, and that I’m lucky for that. My audience is the best part of doing anything I do, whether it’s Tox Test, or a VO, or even just something random I throw up because I felt like it. I wouldn’t take that back for anything, and it’s really the reason why I love doing my stuff.  I tend to gush, so I think they know my thoughts.

I’ve met some of the coolest people, I can’t even explain.

Mehe:   What’s some of your best memories as a reviewer?

S.M.:  I remember when I first started out, and I had NO idea what the hell I was going to do or say.  Everything I do, unless it’s a script given TO me, all my stuff so far is unscripted.  I remember when I first put out a few episodes, and I would randomly see people tweeting at me about my show and the alcohol I had bought.  A lot of people tell me that they had the same experience with the same drinks, and that’s super fun because it’s a total conversation starter.

Also, as small of a show it is, it opened SO many doors for me.  I never would have met some of my closest friends that I have now.  Going to conventions (Magfest, especially) is so special to me, and seeing all those people, and doing our own versions of Tox Test up in my room and all that and laughing.  That is the best thing in the world, and I’m shocked that a tiny little idea like Tox Test helped me experience that stuff.

Mehe:  Tell us some of your good memories from Magfest?

S.M.:  Oh Jesus.  Wow, there is SO much.  I always have room parties.  The first Magfest I went to, it was a total accident and it ended up with Jon St. John and like 40 people in my room.  I used to smoke cigs then, so I had a room like all the way in a corner, we could be as loud as we wanted.  My second time, I had way too much fun.  I love doing my cosplay outfits (Harley Quinn) and just being around everyone.  This year was not exactly the same, to be honest, but it was very much worth it in the end, and I don’t regret going at all.  The last night I was there was the best night ever.  Friends I hadn’t seen or talked to in a VERY long time came up and we were all just happy.

OH, oh oh….I have to be a loser and tell you this.  Last Magfest, I had some guys whom I didn’t know come up and bring me something to drink from a friend of mine . It was the most random thing, and I usually am never in my room alone, and I always send someone else to the door.  I am the biggest JonTron fan, like, ever…and when I was talking to those guys, he randomly just walks by.  Out of nowhere.  I went basically to see him, as far as panels went.  I got to hug him, and that was like the best thing ever.

Mehe:  That’s not being a loser! First and foremost, we’re all still fans!

S.M.:  That kinda made everything bad I was feeling just fly right out the door and away forever.  I felt like such an awkward fangirl, if you will.  I got lucky, too, because he had to cancel his panel, so that was by amazingly pure chance. The Gaylord Hotel is freakin’ HUGE and what he was doing walking by, I have no idea.

Mehe:  Can you tell us a little about the process you use to pick the alcohol you review?

S.M.:  My process.  I have no process.  Straight up, I will go into the local liquor store (sometimes gas station, but they rarely have different things at random) and I know the owner and the other guy that works there.  They know about my review show, so I go and buy my normal bottle of wine, and then come to the counter and just ask straight what weird stuff they got recently, or anything that no one really buys.  That’s how I found the Tabasco SoCo, and a ton of other things.  The one dude actually was the reason for the Scorpion eating “video”.  That’s raw footage, and that was when I couldn’t get any editing to work, so I just threw that up there.  He pointed it out and I knew I couldn’t just let it go and say no.  That is still one of the most fun I’ve had throughout the entire run of this crazy ass thing.

Mehe:  Tabasco SoCo?

S.M.:  Tabasco flavored Southern Comfort. Worst thing in the world.

Mehe:  Sounds nasty.

S.M.:  I stalled SO hard on that video.  I didn’t even mean to, I just stalled as hard as possible.  I actually burned the back of my throat due to taking the shot.  I honestly don’t know what use it could possibly have. Bloody Mary’s have vodka, NOT SoCo, so much of a difference.  I have no idea.  What I’ve learned is I think most alcohol companies make this random stuff just for show, and they know people will buy it to be hard ass about it, or just for a party thing.  I bought something small today, and it’s Maple flavored Crown Royal. I bought it for the show because I have no idea what else it could possibly taste good in, other than just doing a shot.

Mehe:  So, tell us about your filming process for Tox Test?

S.M.:  I have the worst filming routine I think there ever was.  First of all, I do all this alone, with the very rare occurrence that I need help, like the Scorpion video.  Fuck, I was not about to eat that thing alone.  Basically, I was lucky enough to be gifted a brand new tripod, which I use now and things are SO much easier.  The last tripod I had, the screw on the top was missing, so I had to gently sit the camera on top, it was always lopsided, so I had to take one of my hair ties (not kidding…) and tie the camera TO the tripod.   How I got it even, I’ll never know. I used to shoot with me being on my bed, I recently moved to the floor, it’s much easier.  When I first started, it would take me at least a full hour to just position everything, and still I wouldn’t have it right.  Now, I just put in the camera and it’s so much easier.  I didn’t realize how hard it was to film yourself, and I tend to be very OCD about everything being level and straight and whatever.

Mehe:  That sounds like a ton of work!

S.M.:  It was, and sometimes it still can be. I never know how much lighting to use, so I just kinda guess. It still takes me at the very most 25 minutes to get the camera at the right level, zoom, and distance.   I did a cameo once for one of Welshy’s videos, and I had to tie the camera with like 6 hair ties. I felt like the biggest amateur in the world.

Mehe:  Got any upcoming projects you’re excited about?

S.M.:  Yes!  One of my very good friends just started up his own gaming review site.  We have talked about reviewing some games together in the future.  I have A LOT to say about some certain games…trust me.  Also, I know my one friend is on a comic podcast a lot and when the topic of Harley Quinn ( My favorite fictional character EVER …forever ever) comes around, I’m the first guest in.  I also plan on doing another show, which I planned since last year, and just couldn’t because of having no editing software.  I plan to review the 90’s, but not in a general sense.  I want to do things that only I, as a child, enjoyed the most.  This includes things that aren’t even reviewable, such as note passing before there were cell phones in school and things like that.  I’m taking that slow, I need that to be perfect.  That’s more or less my dream review show that I want to do.

Mehe:  Well, when that gets started, you’ll have to touch base with us again!

S.M.:  Absolutely! I’m waiting for the snow to melt, the first thing I plan for that 90’s show is something I need to use outside.

Mehe:  As far as your reviews, which do you consider your best one?

S.M.:  Okay, I like the Scorpion video.  It’s not a review, it’s just me eating a scorpion out of a tequila bottle…..I don’t know, I like that one.  Made me feel kinda badass for a few minutes.   But, I think my favorite one might be a few movie reviews I did last year that was for another site.  That was fun, and the only time I actually felt like I was “professional”.  I tend to do my own stuff as I call it and whatever I want to do, so those were a really great experience, and made me feel really good.  I think my best review was probably the very last one I did, with the Tabasco SoCo and all that, or even the Whipped Creme shit, because that one has a huge amount of views.  I think people just laugh because of how sick it made me, and how I totally did not expect to get that horrified by it.  Otherwise, it’s hard to say.  The video I have that is out right now, I have received a huge amount of fanmail about, and that shocked the shit out of me.  A lot of people really clung to that one, and I think it’s because it was goofy drinking with silly terrible drinks, but also had a sharp edge of some hard honesty as well.

Mehe:  Switching gears a little, tell us about Kelley, the person behind Mantis.

S.M.:  Well, I’m 26 years old.  I’m planning on having a career in Entomology, so I’m taking some online courses to boost my GPA and hopefully get into Rutgers in Jersey.  They have a great program.  Otherwise, I’m a part time waitress at a chain restaurant which I do not like so much, but I don’t hate.  I spend most of my time in my room, and that’s fine with me.  I have everything I need in here, my consoles (just not the 360) are all in here hooked up, I have my collections of manga, anime, comics, my Harley Quinn stuff, it’s all here.  I love my computer.  It brings me trouble sometimes, but the people I meet and the videos I love to watch are totally worth it.  I love keeping in touch with my friends.  I’m a rodent trainer (seriously) and I always have hamsters living here with me.  (Today, I lost my 3 year old Syrian long hair, Rumble, love him.  Still got my baby Dwarf hamster, Loki,) I have a very sick and elderly grandfather who I help look after, and I love to just sit in my bed and watch South Park til dawn.  My family is very important to me, my mother and I are extremely close.  I’m single now, and that’s pretty cool.  I don’t mind the peace and all that, it’s nice for me, and I think anyone to be able to concentrate on themselves and their passions for a while.  Oh…and I love Skyrim.

Also, I do have to say that Entomology is the best, but my dream is acting.  So, I’ve done 2 or 3 auditions for some “art film”  college student movie type things.  You gotta start somewhere.  My only credit in an actual movie is a voice over, but I fucking love that.  I plan to continue my acting, along with my Ento studies.

Mehe:  Your credit in The Cinema Snob Movie?

S.M.:  Yes! I did a voice over in Italian for that.  Recording it was one thing, but once I watched it, I was overjoyed.  When you really want to act, or do whatever, even the smallest part can seem like the whole world to you.  I’m so lucky and very happy to be in there, even just for a minute.

Mehe:  Do you have any advice for aspiring reviewers?

S.M.:  Do what you WANT to do, and how YOU want to do it.  It’s so easy to carbon copy an idea.  Don’t do that.  Put your own spin on something, regardless of whether it’s “the thing to do” or not.  I have winged everything I’ve ever done.  Do what you feel you want.   If you get some negative, or even cruel shit said to you, ignore it. Trust me, ignore it.  Don’t even look at it and keep going.  You can’t let a bunch of “haters” aka nitpickers or people who don’t like anything new whatsoever, mess up your plans.  I almost let that happen, and some things really DID get to me.  But, you learn to ignore it.  Trolls are always going to be trolls, and even irrationally angry people (I have two of those right now, so stupid), they really don’t matter.  You will find your way of speaking to your audience, and doing what you love, and I say very honestly, FUCK all the rest.  A lot of people don’t think they are “good enough” or they may be afraid of backlash, I say stop that crazy thinking right now.  It’s true that just because someone owns a camera, doesn’t mean they are good using it, but how will you ever know unless you try?  The biggest thing ever is when you watch your playback, if you like it, post it.  If others don’t…well, that’s too fucking bad for them, isn’t it?

Mehe:  Thank you for stopping by and talking with us, Kelley!  Any parting words for the readers?

S.M.:  Thank you, my dear!  This was so much fun, I love doing stuff like this.  Basically, I just want everyone to try to be content with themselves.  I know how hard that can be, and I touch on that sometimes in my videos and twitter or whatever.  I welcome you to visit my twitter “ScreamngMantis” and I do have a fanpage on facebook A lot of times I friend almost everyone from there, so if anyone ever wants to get in touch, just to talk or anything along the lines, feel free, or email me at “”.  I love talking with my audience, or taking about projects or anything.